Our 4 commitments

As part of our responsible and ethical business approach, we have formalized our commitments in the BocEthic Charter.
Our Endowment Fund helps finance the higher education of deserving young people whose success could be hindered for financial reasons.
More than 330 student/sponsor pairs since its creation in 2017
To support initiatives and solidarity actions in line with our values and based on education and health.
Boccard supports the following associations: Le Foyer Notre Dame des Sans-Abris, L'Entreprise des Possible, Le Petit monde.
To accompany youngsters and give each one of them the “same opportunities” in social development.
Boccard guarantees equal opportunities and is preparing the ground for the future
Our next 100 years
In 2018, we very proudly celebrated “Our First 100 Years”, a symbol of the audacious and resolute route followed by our elders and former Boccard staff. 2019 opens a new road to “Our Next 100 Years” which will question every generation on our role in a global, open environment.

Boccard adheres to the United Nations Global Compact through ten principles relating to corporate social responsibility in terms of human rights, environmental protection and good governance.

Each year, Boccard carries out an in-depth assessment of its CSR practices with the help of EcoVadis. For our latest rating, carried out in 2023 on 2022 data, we won a bronze medal and achieved a score of 61/100, putting us in the top 35% worldwide.
Let's work together
Our customers
They trustus

To offer everyone a successful and rewarding career in a positive and productive collaborative environment, with safety and quality is at the heart of everyone’s preoccupations.
To develop, to carry and to promote a culture conducive to the achievement of our health and safety objectives.
The lost-time accident frequency rate for Boccard companies worldwide is 3.88 for our employees and contractors.
To develop autonomy (competence & commitment), favor initiative and accompany career development. In 2024, the Boccard index is 77 out of 100.
Gender Equality Index
Gathering and federating around our 7 corporate values to perpetuate our corporate culture and attract talent In association with France Nature Environnement, our employees worked together to build a pond to protect and develop local biodiversity.